- 通过校准由特征阻抗失配引起的反射损耗实现高精度测量。
- 频率可进行连续变化调整。
Toshihisa Kamei, Yozo Utsumi, Hiroshi Moritake, Kohji Toda and Hirosuke Suzuki."Measurements of the dielectric properties of nematic liquid crystals at 10 kHz to 40 GHz and application to a variable delay line"
Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, C, Electronics, Vol. J85 - C, No. 12, pp. 1149 - 1158, Dec. 2002. "Measurements of dielectric properties of nematic liquid cristals at 10kHz to 40GHz and application to a variable delay line"
Electronics and Communications in JAPAN, Part2, Vol. 86, No.8, 2003 Wiley Periodicals Inc.
频率 | 45M~40GHz |
相对介电常数 | 1.05-500 精度±5% |
介质损耗因数 | 0.001-5 精度±10% |
零件号 | 产品名称 | 详细信息 |
CBC-03 | 回截型测量套件(1套) | |
CM06D-APC2.9(m)APC2.9(m)-1000 | 40 GHz(1m, 2根)同轴线缆,含连接头 | |
DMP-14 | 回截型程序(1套) | |
GP-01 | GPIB连接线缆 | |
VNA | 网络分析仪 | 可一起订购 |
Windows PC | Windows PC, 含打印机 | 可一起订购 |