KEYCOM provides solutions in the 300 GHz to 1 μHz frequency range (SHF/EHF/MW/UHF/VHF/ULF).
We undertake designing, manufacturing and measuring. Please feel free to contact us.

30 degree conical horn antennas

Model No. ant03002931210-19

Rectangular waveguide antennas are used at relatively high frequencies to transmit electromagnetic waves through the waveguide.

These conical horn antennas are gold plated on the inside to improve the characteristics. We have various types of antennas with frequencies ranging from 18 GHz to 325 GHz.

【Related Contents】
👉 Products Line up of KEYCOM's Antenna Series

Model No.

Waveguide tube standard Flange type
Square type Model number Round type Model number FXR type Model number
18 - 26.5 WR- 42 UG 595 /U CC 42 S UG 425 /U CC 42 R
26.5 40 28 599 28 381 28
33 50 22 383 22
40 60 19 383 19
50 75 15 385 15
60 90 12 387 12
75 110 10 10
90 140 8 8 FXR CC 8 F
110 170 6 6 6
140 220 5 5 5
170 260 4 4 4
220 325 3 3 3
* Extra charges for an actual measurement data.
