KEYCOM provides solutions in the 300 GHz to 1 μHz frequency range (SHF/EHF/MW/UHF/VHF/ULF).
We undertake designing, manufacturing and measuring. Please feel free to contact us.

E-H Bend

Model No. MWG03

Rectangular waveguide bends. The bending angle is selectable from ∠30, ∠45, ∠60 and ∠90.

【Related Contents】
👉 Products Line-up of Milliler wave & Microwave Components / Devices

Model No. and specifications

Model No,
(Please see below)
- Bending angle : ∠30, ∠45, ∠60, ∠90
*Please consult with KEYCOM representative for your specific requirement.

Frequency (GHz) Waveguide
Flange type (angular) Model no. Flange type (circular) Model no. Flange type (FXR) Model no. Lmm Rmm
18 - 26.5 WR- 42 UG 595 /U B 42 S UG 425 /U B 42 R 45.72 33.02
26.5 40 28 599 28 381 28 38.10 25.40
33 50 22 383 22 35.56 22.86
40 60 19 383 19 33.02 20.32
50 75 15 385 15 30.48 17.78
60 90 12 387 12 27.94 15.24
75 110 10 10 25.40 12.70
90 140 8 8 FXR B 8 F
110 170 6 6 6
140 220 5 5 5 20.32 10.16
170 260 4 4 4
220 325 3 3 3

External view