KEYCOM provides solutions in the 300 GHz to 1 μHz frequency range (SHF/EHF/MW/UHF/VHF/ULF).
We undertake designing, manufacturing and measuring. Please feel free to contact us.

Gunn Oscillator

Model No. PAH02

KEYCOM's gun oscillators are available in many types and can also be designed to meet your requirements.

【Related Contents】
 👉 Products Line-up of Milliler wave & Microwave Components / Devices

Product photos

Ordering Information (Please inform us of Part No., and any other requests.)

Mechanical Tuning Type

Part No. Center Frequency(GHz)
(Measurebal Frequency)
Mechanical Tuning Range(MHz) Output(min. mw) Waveguide Flange Standard
GOMW28-34 33.5 (29.5-37.5) ±400 60 WR-28 UG-599/U
GOMW15-67 67.0 (59.0-75.0) ±800 5 WR-15 UG-385/U
GOMD12-75 75.0 (70.0-80.0) ±500 40 WR-12 UG-387/U
GOMW10-97.5 97.5 (90.0-105) ±750 25 WR-10 UG-387/U

Varactor Diode Tuning Type

Part No. Center Frequency(GHz)
(Measurebal Frequency)
Mechanical Tuning Range(MHz) Output(min. mw) Waveguide Flange Standard
GOVW28-35 35.0 (34.00-36.00) ±1000 50 WR-28 UG-599/U
GOVW15-60 60.0 (59.00-61.00) ±1000 40 WR-15 UG-385/U
GOVW15-75 75.0 (74.00-76.00) ±1000 50 WR-15 UG-385/U
GOVW10-94 94.0 (93.00-95.00) ±1000 40 WR-10 UG-387/U