KEYCOM provides solutions in the 300 GHz to 1 μHz frequency range (SHF/EHF/MW/UHF/VHF/ULF).
We undertake designing, manufacturing and measuring. Please feel free to contact us.

Magnetic Property Characteristic Measurement Service

Model No. sper

KEYCOM has been committed to offering various companies, universities and research institutions all over the world optimal measurement methods and reliable solutions for magnetic property measurement through our rich experiences in performing thousands of measurements and developing unparalleled measurement devices.

Measurable ranges

Measurement item Measurment frequency Size of Specimen
Complex permeability of magnetic material for high frequency μ’ - jμ"
Ferromagnetic resonance relaxation factor α, Half bandwidth Δ H, Saturation magnetization 4πMs
100MHz-10GHz 5mmSquare, or Circle Thickness 0.2~1mm
100MHz-5GHz 10mmSquare, or Circle Thickness 0.2~1mm

*Please ask your KEYCOM representative for details.

Service Deliverly Date

In the case of difficult / advanced measurement

KEYCOM will do its best to perform, by utilizing our experience developing various measurement devices. Please feel free to contact us for consultation (Note:the delivery period is longer than usual, at 3 weeks or more).

Example: Measurement method developed in November 2005→ measurement of the electric permittivity and the dielectric tangent for ultrathin films (0.01μm) with low-frequency waves.

Necessary Information

Before using our measurement service, we would like you to let us know some information about your samples via e-mail ( ).

Example of Information

Information listed below is very useful for us to implement measurement smoothly.

Of course, you do NOT need to answer all the questions that are unclear.